Going into week five on crutches! Animal week was especially hard for me, that's the kind of work I can really dig into. We went to the zoo, watched a lot of YouTube and tried to produce some convincing animals. Mostly, it was not good. But we once again started to disregarded the impossible, so it counts as a success.
I had a short update meeting with the faculty Friday, and I'm feeling much relieved. They aren't worried about me, and as usual know me better than I know myself.
Being injured has allowed me to take an ALARMING amount of notes. Shall I share with you some gems? I think I shall. I hesitate to talk about what we're doing at all. It's like my own little religion. I have to tell you, the people that teach us here say some profound, hilarious stuff.
"I'm asking for fire in the pelvis What you're giving me is mice in the underpants." -R
"Love one another. It's the best. Otherwise life becomes an endless road of legislation" -R
"Never trust a seated artist"
"Pulling out the chair
Beneath your mind
And watching you fall upon God –" - Hafiz
"More cojones. Less... child bearing area."-R
We deal a lot with re-training audiences. Not feeding them conventions. And we never, ever clap unless we mean it.