Hello beautiful darlings. I have never been so busy as I was doing the commedia!! I'm talking open the cupcake store at 6am, rehearse from 11-4, go back and close the cupcake shop until midnight lather rinse repeat busy.
The Moore is an amazing theatre. It's all catacom-ey and old-timey and gorgeous.
I didn't take many pictures because I didn't want to look like an amateur, but sometimes I just couldn't help myself.
Oh my god my dressing room had a couch.
OH MY GOD I HAD A DRESSING ROOM! I napped there. There was steam heat and it was always hissing which was nice for the napping, it made the place less spooky.
The best part of all was I got to work with an amazing group of actors and clowns. Our Arlechinno came up from California, and was a true leader. Our Capocomico (chief of comedy and leader of the troupe) . I felt so lucky to learn from such a worldly performer and working clown. Also our troupe of hearty actors, our Professore and of course our Maestro. Here he is challenging Arlechinno to a bout of leg wrestling:
Not bad for a guy who just turned 72.
We had movie nights together, and Capocomico cooked traditional Italian meals. There was much wine. And then negroni, grappa, more wine...zzzzzzzzzz
Anyway. I'm tired, I'm proud, and I want more.