... raise about $23K in 7 months?
I'm thinking about holding Vaudeville Open Mikes in town, good lord we have enough disgruntled circus people. What I really need is a wealthy sponsor. Someone who reallllly likes clowns.
Whaddya got for ideas, oh clever firends?
Well that's putting the cart before the horse. First I have to put together a 3 minute silent audition piece about my life. Jesus christ. I can't think of a single thing I wouldn't cringe to see if somebody else did it. And time is running out for the March 1st deadline. I haaaaaaate self indulgent performance pieces. Hate. Shall we go all caps? Let's. HATE. Am I doomed to become what I hate most??
This has been my Cupcake LunchBreak Braindump Update.